Looking for a place to serve at Northside?
Every Christian is on a journey that begins at the point of salvation. God created each of us for a purpose. Along the way, you discover your place in the body of believers. All of us are a unique combination of personality, spiritual gifts, abilities, passions and life experiences that God designed for work in His kingdom.
Serving is what we are called to do. To serve others, rather than to be served, best exemplifies Jesus’ message to humanity. People often hope that others will meet their needs, that someone else will help or that there are so many volunteers already, that they aren’t needed. It is not about the church needing you, it is about you stepping out in faith and using your gifts for God by serving others. It isn’t about just filling a job position, it is personal. It is about where God has designed you to serve. If you don’t know where you fit in yet, don’t worry we can help you with that.
I’m interested in being a volunteer, but have questions!
Complete this form to request more information about serving at Northside.
I’m Ready to Serve!
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